Table of contents
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The purpose of this Guide is to outline the specific issues and continuing obligations a listed company may be confronted with in Belgium. The point of reference for this Guide is the position of an issuer that is listed on a Belgian regulated market. A listing on a regulated market is subject to more conditions and triggers more ongoing obligations than a listing on any other trading venue. Insight into the organisation and functioning of a regulated market can thus ease the understanding of the regulatory framework of all other trading venues in Belgium.
This Guide deals with topics ranging from company law, corporate governance, finance and tax to opportunities for employee participation and the obligations and status of directors and executive managers. The Guide also covers the reasons and procedures for a possible de-listing, which is an issue that may become relevant to any listed company. Experience has shown that institutional investors and corporate governance rating agencies are keen to gain a deeper understanding of the rights and obligations of the various players that emerge in de-listing. This newly expanded 2024 edition also highlights the impact of important recent developments and insights in the fields of reporting, compliance, sustainability and valuation.
This Guide is conceived as a quick-reference document. All chapters can be consulted separately and the notes allow the reader to find additional information on the topics and issues discussed.